Ha-ha!!! I have finished all three pairs of slipper socks!!!! And they were finished before I head up north! Yay! Less work I have to do while I'm there!
Actually, some of my other projects aren't doing too badly. I just need to add fringe to Boo's purse, and T's only needs a few more rows before I can sew it up and add the strap and fringe. Mellon's purse still needs to be felted, but I'm hoping I can do that at my sister's. Shan's is the only project I'm worried about. I still need to add a few inches to the headband, and I haven't even started the scarf yet. Hopefully the scarf won't take too long. I purchased a pair of size 15 plastic needles-only 10 inches long. I'm going to try to take them on the plane with me, and work on it while I'm waiting to board, and perhaps while in flight. I know knitting needles are allowed now, but I've heard stories about things being confiscated which were on the okay list. Even though the plastic needles are Boye's Balene II (my favorite plastic needles-I love the way they feel when you knit with them), if I were to loose them, it wouldn't be a huge loss. (I'd be disappointed, but thanks to the weekly Jo-Ann's coupons, they weren't that expensive.)
Hmm...I think that's all for now. I already have a New Years resolution in mind, concerning this blog-post more than once a month, and POST MORE PICTURES! lol. :)
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Christmas projects
Yikes! I meant to post during the month of October...oops! I also need to get on the ball and post some pictures. I'm terrible about that-terribly lazy. ;)
My Christmas projects are coming along nicely. I have one more slipper sock to complete and then they will be finished. I sort of slacked off a little-my mom was visiting in October, and I couldn't really work on her Christmas present right in front of her! ;)
I've also almost completed my first crochet project-I am making purses for the older girls-Boo's is complete except for the fringe. I'm currently working on T's. I haven't decided if I'll sew in snaps or velcro so they can shut them-so I decided to hold off on the fringe of Boo's until T's is ready for fringe as well.
I've started another purse for Mellon (hey, she may only be almost 2, but she's old enough to want what her big sisters want.) I'm knitting a bag that needs to be felted (my first felting project!). It has thicker handles that she can grab onto. This project knits up real fast-so I think the thing that will take time will be the felting. If I have enough time to knit this weekend, I may actually get all the knitting for it done.
I'm also working on a headband and scarf set for Shan-she saw T and Boo's scarves I made last year and really liked them. I promised her awhile ago that I'd make her something, so hopefully I will have this completed before Christmas, too. ;)
Well, I guess that's all for now-maybe I'll get around to posting some pics before I leave next month! ;)
My Christmas projects are coming along nicely. I have one more slipper sock to complete and then they will be finished. I sort of slacked off a little-my mom was visiting in October, and I couldn't really work on her Christmas present right in front of her! ;)
I've also almost completed my first crochet project-I am making purses for the older girls-Boo's is complete except for the fringe. I'm currently working on T's. I haven't decided if I'll sew in snaps or velcro so they can shut them-so I decided to hold off on the fringe of Boo's until T's is ready for fringe as well.
I've started another purse for Mellon (hey, she may only be almost 2, but she's old enough to want what her big sisters want.) I'm knitting a bag that needs to be felted (my first felting project!). It has thicker handles that she can grab onto. This project knits up real fast-so I think the thing that will take time will be the felting. If I have enough time to knit this weekend, I may actually get all the knitting for it done.
I'm also working on a headband and scarf set for Shan-she saw T and Boo's scarves I made last year and really liked them. I promised her awhile ago that I'd make her something, so hopefully I will have this completed before Christmas, too. ;)
Well, I guess that's all for now-maybe I'll get around to posting some pics before I leave next month! ;)
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Slipper socks done!
Yay! Saturday I finished my first pair of slipper socks! I'm so excited! They were really easy to knit(and they are so comfy!)-I've already started on my second pair. At this rate, I'll be done well before Christmas! Must post pictures...
Unfortunately the socks leave behind quite a bit of yarn. If you're using the Lion Brand Chunky yarn (which is what the pattern calls for), one ball is not quite enough for two-so you need an extra ball. I wondered what I was going to do with all the extra yarn, so I decided I'm going to try to attempt to make some wristwarmers that use bulky yarn. I found a pattern that looks simple enough, although I need to get a new set of double pointed needles-the pattern calls for 9s, and the biggest I have are only 7s. I see a 50% off coupon from Micheal's in the paper, so I'm going to get a set of bamboo needles (I know I said I wasn't too fond of bamboo, but my first bamboo needles were 3s, and I was using sock yarn-larger needles and thicker yarn makes a better bamboo experience.) ;)
I've also taught myself to crochet-I can only do single crochet, but it's enough to make a couple of simple purses for my neices for Christmas. (again, I need to post pictures).
Even though I forgot to report it, I reached all my goals Labor Day weekend-I knitted/shaped the heel for my slouching socks, started the Christmas projects, and taught myself basic crochet. I was so proud of myself! Now if I can just keep knitting the slipper socks at the same pace I've been doing-it'll all be good!
Unfortunately the socks leave behind quite a bit of yarn. If you're using the Lion Brand Chunky yarn (which is what the pattern calls for), one ball is not quite enough for two-so you need an extra ball. I wondered what I was going to do with all the extra yarn, so I decided I'm going to try to attempt to make some wristwarmers that use bulky yarn. I found a pattern that looks simple enough, although I need to get a new set of double pointed needles-the pattern calls for 9s, and the biggest I have are only 7s. I see a 50% off coupon from Micheal's in the paper, so I'm going to get a set of bamboo needles (I know I said I wasn't too fond of bamboo, but my first bamboo needles were 3s, and I was using sock yarn-larger needles and thicker yarn makes a better bamboo experience.) ;)
I've also taught myself to crochet-I can only do single crochet, but it's enough to make a couple of simple purses for my neices for Christmas. (again, I need to post pictures).
Even though I forgot to report it, I reached all my goals Labor Day weekend-I knitted/shaped the heel for my slouching socks, started the Christmas projects, and taught myself basic crochet. I was so proud of myself! Now if I can just keep knitting the slipper socks at the same pace I've been doing-it'll all be good!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
pick up knitting...
Ahh, the end of August-and I haven't posted here! I really need to get back into the habit of posting my progress...what little of it there is. ;)
I actually picked up a project I had put on hold last year for Christmas knitting-I've been slowly working on my slouching socks-knitting a few rows here and there. I'm almost ready to start the shaping of the heel on the second sock-hopefully I'll be able to do that this weekend-even though St. Rocco's festival is this weekend-I'll have Monday off-perhaps that'll be the day to just sit back and knit. ;)
Speaking of Christmas knitting-a couple of weeks ago I picked up some yarn for a couple of Christmas projects. Here's one:

Pebble Rib slipper socks from Creative Knitting magazine.
My goal? 3 pairs by Christmas. HA! We'll see how far I get. ;)
I also picked up some yarn for a scarf (and possibly hat)for another friend of mine in Minnesota-she really liked the scarves I made for the girls last Christmas, so I'm going to make a similar one for her.
Well, that's all for now-my goal this weekend is to shape the heel on my slouching sock, and get started on my Christmas projects. Knowing me, though-I probably should've started them in June! ;)
I actually picked up a project I had put on hold last year for Christmas knitting-I've been slowly working on my slouching socks-knitting a few rows here and there. I'm almost ready to start the shaping of the heel on the second sock-hopefully I'll be able to do that this weekend-even though St. Rocco's festival is this weekend-I'll have Monday off-perhaps that'll be the day to just sit back and knit. ;)
Speaking of Christmas knitting-a couple of weeks ago I picked up some yarn for a couple of Christmas projects. Here's one:
Pebble Rib slipper socks from Creative Knitting magazine.
My goal? 3 pairs by Christmas. HA! We'll see how far I get. ;)
I also picked up some yarn for a scarf (and possibly hat)for another friend of mine in Minnesota-she really liked the scarves I made for the girls last Christmas, so I'm going to make a similar one for her.
Well, that's all for now-my goal this weekend is to shape the heel on my slouching sock, and get started on my Christmas projects. Knowing me, though-I probably should've started them in June! ;)
Monday, July 31, 2006
LAzy summer knitting....
Uff-da! It's been so long since I posted here-one would think I'd forgotten how to knit.
Nope, that's not the case-I've just been incredibly lazy-lazy about posting here, lazy about knitting. I haven't been doing much this summer-although I finally straightened out my Mom's prayershawl (yay, correct number of stitches!) and I picked up a project that I had put in my UFO basket. I decided to put my slouching socks back on the needles-it's a fairly easy pattern, and can be done while watching tv or chatting with people-without the fear of loosing my place if I get too distracted. Of course, with every new issue of Creative Knitting I get, I find several more patterns that I'm just dying to try out!!! NEED TO FIND TIME TO KNIT!!! ;)
This Thursday Persephone and I are going to the Crochet Club meeting-this week it's going to be a potluck, and I'm really looking forward to it. Apparently one of the members of the club brought their knitting while I was away on vacation, and asked where I was. *heehee* It's nice to be remembered. *sshhh* don't tell them, but I've been contemplating bringing a crochet hook and some extra yarn and asking someone to teach me how to crochet (well, reteach me-my Mom taught me how when I was in junior high, but I didn't do it enough so I forgot how. ) I think the only thing I made was a scarf for one of my Barbie dolls. LOL.
Nope, that's not the case-I've just been incredibly lazy-lazy about posting here, lazy about knitting. I haven't been doing much this summer-although I finally straightened out my Mom's prayershawl (yay, correct number of stitches!) and I picked up a project that I had put in my UFO basket. I decided to put my slouching socks back on the needles-it's a fairly easy pattern, and can be done while watching tv or chatting with people-without the fear of loosing my place if I get too distracted. Of course, with every new issue of Creative Knitting I get, I find several more patterns that I'm just dying to try out!!! NEED TO FIND TIME TO KNIT!!! ;)
This Thursday Persephone and I are going to the Crochet Club meeting-this week it's going to be a potluck, and I'm really looking forward to it. Apparently one of the members of the club brought their knitting while I was away on vacation, and asked where I was. *heehee* It's nice to be remembered. *sshhh* don't tell them, but I've been contemplating bringing a crochet hook and some extra yarn and asking someone to teach me how to crochet (well, reteach me-my Mom taught me how when I was in junior high, but I didn't do it enough so I forgot how. ) I think the only thing I made was a scarf for one of my Barbie dolls. LOL.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
scarf finished!!!
I finally finished T's scarf! Yay!! Now that it's getting warmer, however. I hope she doesn't mind saving it until next winter.
My two major projects right now are my afghan and my Mom's prayershawl (which I broke down and told her I was making it for her-she said it made her feel loved! :) )
I'm used to the pattern for the afghan, now-I don't have it memorized 100%, but I can work on a row without double checking the instructions every 4 or 5 stitches. However, since the afghan is being made in one big piece, instead of several different panels-each row takes forever to knit. I think I get one or two-sometimes 3 rows done before I have to set my needles down and give my hands a rest.
My mom's prayershawl is a different story-sometimes I can only knit one row-maybe two, if the first row hasn't frustrated me to the point of dropping my needles on the ground. I was able to make a swatch of the snowflake pattern without any trouble-but I went from 24 stitches per row to 125 stitches-and sometimes even the slightest distraction will make me loose my place in the pattern. I"m constantly counting my stitches to make sure I can knit the next row without a problem. *sigh* I'm determined to finish it though-it just may take a while.
Speaking of the prayershawl-Peresph and I attended our second crochet club meeting a couple of weeks ago. This time it was held at Yarn Knits by Sue over on the West Side. They had some balls of the yarn I'm using for the prayershawl, so I picked up a couple more (I was afraid I might not have enough) Well, I know I took a chance-as soon as I got home I checked the dye lot-and it was the same as the yarn I bought over a year ago from a catalog! Talk about luck! ;) While we were there I also picked up a couple of balls of Sisik by Dale of Norway. Oooh, wool and mohair...I'm thinking of making a couple of hats with it. :)
Now, the question of the day: Will Ro ever post pics again? Time will tell! LOL.
(I have every intention to-reallly I do...) ;)
My two major projects right now are my afghan and my Mom's prayershawl (which I broke down and told her I was making it for her-she said it made her feel loved! :) )
I'm used to the pattern for the afghan, now-I don't have it memorized 100%, but I can work on a row without double checking the instructions every 4 or 5 stitches. However, since the afghan is being made in one big piece, instead of several different panels-each row takes forever to knit. I think I get one or two-sometimes 3 rows done before I have to set my needles down and give my hands a rest.
My mom's prayershawl is a different story-sometimes I can only knit one row-maybe two, if the first row hasn't frustrated me to the point of dropping my needles on the ground. I was able to make a swatch of the snowflake pattern without any trouble-but I went from 24 stitches per row to 125 stitches-and sometimes even the slightest distraction will make me loose my place in the pattern. I"m constantly counting my stitches to make sure I can knit the next row without a problem. *sigh* I'm determined to finish it though-it just may take a while.
Speaking of the prayershawl-Peresph and I attended our second crochet club meeting a couple of weeks ago. This time it was held at Yarn Knits by Sue over on the West Side. They had some balls of the yarn I'm using for the prayershawl, so I picked up a couple more (I was afraid I might not have enough) Well, I know I took a chance-as soon as I got home I checked the dye lot-and it was the same as the yarn I bought over a year ago from a catalog! Talk about luck! ;) While we were there I also picked up a couple of balls of Sisik by Dale of Norway. Oooh, wool and mohair...I'm thinking of making a couple of hats with it. :)
Now, the question of the day: Will Ro ever post pics again? Time will tell! LOL.
(I have every intention to-reallly I do...) ;)
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Inventory time!
I know, I know, I know-I need to post pictures. I'll get around to that someday. ;)
Well, the stitch-n-bitch that Perseph and I went to on the 6th turn out not to be at stitch-n-bitch, but a crochet club meeting. That was cool-they said I could stay. ;) It was at River Yarns in Rocky River-they have a crochet club and a knitting club that meets once a month. Also, during the club meetings you get a 10% discount at their store. It was really cool-everyone was really nice, and the owners didn't try to push us into buying their stuff. They were all friendly and informative-I even got a tip on an easier way to rip out a row and to place the stitches back on the needle. Yay! (since I had to do that on the project I was working on.) We loved it and hope to be able to attend both the crochet and knitting meetings. (We would have attended the knitting club meeting, but it was on Holy Thursday, and Perseph's sister was coming into town-YAY!) :-D
I started an inventory on all my knitting supplies-I started off with my needles and crochet hooks. I got a knitting pocket reference from Creative Knitting which has a page for hook and needle inventory-now when I start a new project, I'll know if I need new needles or not! (without digging through my stuff) ;) I also started to organize all of the patterns I had collected and printed out-most are in file folders with the pattern and the creator listed on the front of the folder...too many cool patterns, not enough time! I still need to do a yarn inventory-not that I have much, since I've only bought yarn to go with a pattern...although I do have the yarn from 'Mom's closet stash' that I got last year... (yay, Mom!!)
Speaking of too many patterns, the other day I got a new issue of Creative Knitting and a catalog from Mary Maxim at the same time. I had to throw both of them under some throw pillows just so I wouldn't look through them so I could finish my household chores! So many cool patterns...*sigh*
Actually knitting is going slowly at the moment-I do a couple of rows here and there, rip out a few rows here and there...knit them back up again-hopefully correctly the second time around. ;) Maybe I need to pick up a few projects that are in my UFO basket. I might get something done and feel as though I've accomplished something! ;) LOL.
Well, the stitch-n-bitch that Perseph and I went to on the 6th turn out not to be at stitch-n-bitch, but a crochet club meeting. That was cool-they said I could stay. ;) It was at River Yarns in Rocky River-they have a crochet club and a knitting club that meets once a month. Also, during the club meetings you get a 10% discount at their store. It was really cool-everyone was really nice, and the owners didn't try to push us into buying their stuff. They were all friendly and informative-I even got a tip on an easier way to rip out a row and to place the stitches back on the needle. Yay! (since I had to do that on the project I was working on.) We loved it and hope to be able to attend both the crochet and knitting meetings. (We would have attended the knitting club meeting, but it was on Holy Thursday, and Perseph's sister was coming into town-YAY!) :-D
I started an inventory on all my knitting supplies-I started off with my needles and crochet hooks. I got a knitting pocket reference from Creative Knitting which has a page for hook and needle inventory-now when I start a new project, I'll know if I need new needles or not! (without digging through my stuff) ;) I also started to organize all of the patterns I had collected and printed out-most are in file folders with the pattern and the creator listed on the front of the folder...too many cool patterns, not enough time! I still need to do a yarn inventory-not that I have much, since I've only bought yarn to go with a pattern...although I do have the yarn from 'Mom's closet stash' that I got last year... (yay, Mom!!)
Speaking of too many patterns, the other day I got a new issue of Creative Knitting and a catalog from Mary Maxim at the same time. I had to throw both of them under some throw pillows just so I wouldn't look through them so I could finish my household chores! So many cool patterns...*sigh*
Actually knitting is going slowly at the moment-I do a couple of rows here and there, rip out a few rows here and there...knit them back up again-hopefully correctly the second time around. ;) Maybe I need to pick up a few projects that are in my UFO basket. I might get something done and feel as though I've accomplished something! ;) LOL.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
This is just a test-I can't post to Wandering in E-Space, so I'm checking to see if it's blogger or just my blog. This is no April Fools joke-ah...how I wish it was though. grrr!
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Stitch-n-bitch report 1
Hello! Ok, no pics in this post-mainly because, well, the pictures are still in my camera-I have to download them, edit them, then upload them... I'll get around to posting them though-at least I hope I will! ;)
The stitch-n-bitch was alot of fun! We 'grazed' on snacks, worked on our projects, sent Dawn's husband out for pizza, then watched a couple of movies while working on some of our projects. We had 1 knitter, 2 crocheters, 2 cross-stitchers, and 1 person who was learning to crochet. (hey, we aren't picky about what you stitch! ;) ) So far, at these gatherings, I always seem to be in the minority. LOL. Even the kitties and the dog got into things (literally got into things.) ;)
I started an afghan for myself and worked on T's scarf. For some reason, the kitties really liked my needles and yarn, and no one else's. Why is that? LOL. Kim finished a baby blanket she was working on for a friend-it's really cute! I must get those pictures up. A couple of days later, Kim and I were talking about trying to make this a regular thing-maybe once a month, or once every two months at least (since we all seem to be very busy-but hopefully we'll be able to work something out). Perseph, we missed you! We hope you can make it to the next one. :) :)
I've also started working on a prayer shawl for my Mom-I'm using a snowflake pattern that I really liked in the little pattern book I have. I'm using the yarn I bought from Patternworks last year-it feels so good! I really like working with cotton and cotton blends. :)
Perseph and I are going to a stitch-n-bitch that's being hosted in a yarn store on April 6th-I've forgotten the name of the store, but Perseph knows where it is, and since she's the driver, it's all good. ;) We can't wait!
The stitch-n-bitch was alot of fun! We 'grazed' on snacks, worked on our projects, sent Dawn's husband out for pizza, then watched a couple of movies while working on some of our projects. We had 1 knitter, 2 crocheters, 2 cross-stitchers, and 1 person who was learning to crochet. (hey, we aren't picky about what you stitch! ;) ) So far, at these gatherings, I always seem to be in the minority. LOL. Even the kitties and the dog got into things (literally got into things.) ;)
I started an afghan for myself and worked on T's scarf. For some reason, the kitties really liked my needles and yarn, and no one else's. Why is that? LOL. Kim finished a baby blanket she was working on for a friend-it's really cute! I must get those pictures up. A couple of days later, Kim and I were talking about trying to make this a regular thing-maybe once a month, or once every two months at least (since we all seem to be very busy-but hopefully we'll be able to work something out). Perseph, we missed you! We hope you can make it to the next one. :) :)
I've also started working on a prayer shawl for my Mom-I'm using a snowflake pattern that I really liked in the little pattern book I have. I'm using the yarn I bought from Patternworks last year-it feels so good! I really like working with cotton and cotton blends. :)
Perseph and I are going to a stitch-n-bitch that's being hosted in a yarn store on April 6th-I've forgotten the name of the store, but Perseph knows where it is, and since she's the driver, it's all good. ;) We can't wait!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
1. Block scarf *check*
2. Take pictures of scarf *check*
3. Download pictures from camera to computer hmmmm...
Kyle's scarf is finished! Blocked and ready to go! Yay! Now I just need to finish T's scarf so I can send them to my sister.
Still haven't decided what I'm going to work on at Saturday's Stitch-n-Bitch. 4 days to go...
2. Take pictures of scarf *check*
3. Download pictures from camera to computer hmmmm...
Kyle's scarf is finished! Blocked and ready to go! Yay! Now I just need to finish T's scarf so I can send them to my sister.
Still haven't decided what I'm going to work on at Saturday's Stitch-n-Bitch. 4 days to go...
Monday, March 20, 2006
Knitting into spring...
What kind of knitting needles are you?
You are plastic.Futuristic, milky, and silky, you are willing to go where no crafter has gone before. You can do just about anything, with strength agility, and pretty colors to boot! While you are good at slipping and sliding out of sticky situations, remember to stay where and when you are needed. Don't overdo it on star gazing when there's earthbound knitting to be done!
Take this quiz!
Make A Quiz More Quizzes Grab Code
I still need to block Kyle's scarf-I'll probably try to do that tonight, and while it's blocking, I'll take some pictures. :)
I have an idea of what I want to work on at Saturday's stitch-n-bitch...well, ok, I have it narrowed down to three things: Rustic Panels afghan, snowflake prayer shawl, or an afghan for myself...if I can settle on a pattern. LOL. There's a big Red Heart yarn sale at JoAnn's this week that Perseph and I are going to try to hit. I'm also going to make use of my 40% off coupons-I need a couple of circular needles for some of my future projects. :-D
Friday, March 17, 2006
Hey, I finally finished Kyle's scarf!!! Now I just have to block it-I'll try to take some pictures while it's blocking. Now I just have to finish T's scarf, and all will be right with the world. ;)
My friend Kim is hosting a stitch-n-bitch next week, and I'm very excited. Not only will pals Perseph and Alicia be there, but I'll get to meet some of Kim's friends from work who are into knitting and crocheting. I'll bring my camera-'cause I'm sure there will be some amazing photo opportunities with her two cats, Cleo and Sweetums. They love the yarn and needles! ;) I haven't decided what I'll work on (hopefully I'll be finished with T's scarf before then). I might start an afghan for my sister, or work on a shawl for my mom. Or, I might just be selfish and work on something for me. ;) Or, I could work on something from my UFO box. *heehee*
I had been checking out various free issues of knitting magazines to see if subscribing to one would be worth it. I decided to give Creative Knitting a try-I'm so exicted-my subscription is for two years, plus I'll be getting a pocket guide to knitting as a free gift. Sweet!
My friend Kim is hosting a stitch-n-bitch next week, and I'm very excited. Not only will pals Perseph and Alicia be there, but I'll get to meet some of Kim's friends from work who are into knitting and crocheting. I'll bring my camera-'cause I'm sure there will be some amazing photo opportunities with her two cats, Cleo and Sweetums. They love the yarn and needles! ;) I haven't decided what I'll work on (hopefully I'll be finished with T's scarf before then). I might start an afghan for my sister, or work on a shawl for my mom. Or, I might just be selfish and work on something for me. ;) Or, I could work on something from my UFO box. *heehee*
I had been checking out various free issues of knitting magazines to see if subscribing to one would be worth it. I decided to give Creative Knitting a try-I'm so exicted-my subscription is for two years, plus I'll be getting a pocket guide to knitting as a free gift. Sweet!
Monday, February 27, 2006
wow, almost the end of february
Yikes! I totally missed the month of February!
Mostly because I haven't been doing much knitting at all-I still am working on a couple of scarves, but that's about it...I really need to get back into the swing of things.
I've been debating which projects to put back on the needles (from my 'on hold list') Probably my slouching socks...it would be nice to finish them before winter disappears! My mom's birthday is next month, and I wanted to knit something for her. Last year I purchased some yarn from Patternworks, which I had intended to make a shawl with-I just didn't get around to it. I'm still planning on making the shawl-I have an idea for a pattern I want to use-I'm just not sure I'll have it done by her birthday. I'm sure she'll understand if it's late, though. :) Maybe I'll cast it on tonight...
I picked up a copy of 'Stitch and Bitch Nation' while I was at the library the other day-I love those books by Debbie Stroller!! There's a pattern for a cardigan I'd like to try-it's called Fairly Easy Faire Isle. I want to learn how to knit faire isle, and I'm thinking about trying to teach it to myself...first I have to finish some of my other projects! LOL.
Well, that's about it for now-here's to knitting!
Mostly because I haven't been doing much knitting at all-I still am working on a couple of scarves, but that's about it...I really need to get back into the swing of things.
I've been debating which projects to put back on the needles (from my 'on hold list') Probably my slouching socks...it would be nice to finish them before winter disappears! My mom's birthday is next month, and I wanted to knit something for her. Last year I purchased some yarn from Patternworks, which I had intended to make a shawl with-I just didn't get around to it. I'm still planning on making the shawl-I have an idea for a pattern I want to use-I'm just not sure I'll have it done by her birthday. I'm sure she'll understand if it's late, though. :) Maybe I'll cast it on tonight...
I picked up a copy of 'Stitch and Bitch Nation' while I was at the library the other day-I love those books by Debbie Stroller!! There's a pattern for a cardigan I'd like to try-it's called Fairly Easy Faire Isle. I want to learn how to knit faire isle, and I'm thinking about trying to teach it to myself...first I have to finish some of my other projects! LOL.
Well, that's about it for now-here's to knitting!
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
a couple of pictures
I decided to end the month of January with a couple of pictures of my nieces enjoying their Christmas presents! :)
The first one is of my Mom with Mellon-showing off her new cardigan. :)

Yarn: Caron Simply Soft Baby Sport yarn; soft blue and sky
Needles: size 6&8, straight alluminum
Special thanks to my Mom, who helped me with the finishing. (Actually, since I was sick, she did most of the finishing so it would be ready by Christmas. THANK YOU, MOM!!! :) :) ) We didn't get the buttons on, but Al said that Mellon would probably rip them off anyway, so she didn't really need them. I left the buttons with our Mom just in case she changed her mind.
The next one is of Boo, looking cute in her new hat and scarf:

Yarn: hat and scarf: Moda Dea Ricochet yarn; Twist. Tassels and scarf 'fringe': Jo-Ann Sensations Cello yarn; dark purple
Needles: 10.5 circular, 11 straight, cable needle.
This was my first time working with a cable, and I was pleased with the results-I can't wait to try a bigger project with cables! Boo's gift was the only one that was 100% finished when I left for Minnesota. LOL.
That day Boo was going with her dad to spend time with his side of the family. As she was leaving, Al told her to leave the hat and scarf with her (since they were new), but Boo insisted on wearing them! Al gave in, and I told her that I was so happy that Boo loved the hat and scarf I made her. I was also excited that Mellon appeared to be enjoying the cardigan. Al looked at me and said, 'Well I love them and that's the important thing!' hahahahahaha... I'm glad they met with her approval. ;)
The first one is of my Mom with Mellon-showing off her new cardigan. :)
Yarn: Caron Simply Soft Baby Sport yarn; soft blue and sky
Needles: size 6&8, straight alluminum
Special thanks to my Mom, who helped me with the finishing. (Actually, since I was sick, she did most of the finishing so it would be ready by Christmas. THANK YOU, MOM!!! :) :) ) We didn't get the buttons on, but Al said that Mellon would probably rip them off anyway, so she didn't really need them. I left the buttons with our Mom just in case she changed her mind.
The next one is of Boo, looking cute in her new hat and scarf:
Yarn: hat and scarf: Moda Dea Ricochet yarn; Twist. Tassels and scarf 'fringe': Jo-Ann Sensations Cello yarn; dark purple
Needles: 10.5 circular, 11 straight, cable needle.
This was my first time working with a cable, and I was pleased with the results-I can't wait to try a bigger project with cables! Boo's gift was the only one that was 100% finished when I left for Minnesota. LOL.
That day Boo was going with her dad to spend time with his side of the family. As she was leaving, Al told her to leave the hat and scarf with her (since they were new), but Boo insisted on wearing them! Al gave in, and I told her that I was so happy that Boo loved the hat and scarf I made her. I was also excited that Mellon appeared to be enjoying the cardigan. Al looked at me and said, 'Well I love them and that's the important thing!' hahahahahaha... I'm glad they met with her approval. ;)
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Must blog more...
Hmmm...I must blog about knitting more. Hmmm...I need to knit more! LOL.
I'm still working on the scarves I didn't finish at Christmas-unfortunately, last time I tried to pick up the needles, I got a headache and had to put them down again after knitting a few rows. :( *sigh
I've been considering joining the Knitting Olympics, which I first heard about from reading KnitSteph. I dunno though-I'd like to finish up the scarves before starting anything new, and at the rate I'm going, I don't know if I'll be finished by Feb. 10th. We'll see though-I have a few more days before I have to decide. ;)
I'm still working on the scarves I didn't finish at Christmas-unfortunately, last time I tried to pick up the needles, I got a headache and had to put them down again after knitting a few rows. :( *sigh
I've been considering joining the Knitting Olympics, which I first heard about from reading KnitSteph. I dunno though-I'd like to finish up the scarves before starting anything new, and at the rate I'm going, I don't know if I'll be finished by Feb. 10th. We'll see though-I have a few more days before I have to decide. ;)
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