December got away from me in terms of knitting-I didn’t get the chance to post anything, but that’s ok-I didn’t get the chance to knit at all. (good thing I wasn’t knitting any Christmas presents this year!)
So back in September I started a wrap with yarn I had purchased a few years ago: JoAnn’s Rainbow Boucle (dark blue). Back in November, I traveled to Kettering with the Ice Hawks so I could hang out with K while her mom played hockey. I brought my knitting with me and K was fascinated with my big ball of yarn (which, at the time, was bigger than her fact, it probably still is bigger than her head. LOL)

BIG ball of yarn
The wrap itself is a very simple pattern-garter stictches, yarn overs, dropping the yo’s. It’s a great thing to me to work on while watching tv, riding in a car, and hanging out wiht people because it’s easy to find out where you are in your work if you get distracted and loose your place. ;) Here’s one of the first pictures I took of my progress:

Here’s a more recent one, with more distinct color changes:

(I love blue!!)
While in Kettering, we had some time between hockey games, so we stopped at Hancock Fabrics (they have them in Minnesota and Southern Ohio, but there aren’t any here in Northeast Ohio-boo!) They happened to be having a sale on Lion Brand’s Wool East Thick& Quick, so K and Tina helped me pick out some yarn for the ear flap hat I want to make:

Ear Flap Hat Yarn-not the pattern, the yarn. LOL
The pattern looks simple enough. Next weekend is me and Perseph’s annual Girls Weekend-I’m planning on starting this hat during the weekend (as well as continuing with my blue rainbow wrap). Who knows-I might actually finish the hat-after all, last year I started and completed a knitted scarf. :) I can’t wait!
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