Thursday, January 20, 2011

Knitting Goals for 2011 (and 2010 in review)

Well, it occurred to me that maybe I should post some goals for 2011. Some might seem pretty easy, but you’d think different if you saw the complete list of UFOs that are in my project book. ;)

So, without further ado (and in no particular order):

-knit a pair of Tardis socks (those socks are AWESOME!) I need to learn not to be afraid of completing a project that is knitted in the round.

-complete all projects started in 2010 (there’s only one left, so this should be easy)

-complete at least one UFO started prior to 2009. Bella’s Blanket, multi socks, K-9, I need to finish something! An interesting side note-I didn’t start a single new project in 2009. I may have worked on a couple of things here and there, but no new projects.

-use leftover yarn from Pearl-Ribbed Slipper Socks to make hat from yarn label. A few years ago I made three pairs of these socks-I had quite a bit of leftover yarn-I think I have enough to make a hat whose pattern was on the yarn label. ;)

-enter all projects into Ravelry.

-update blog sidebars

-do an inventory of needles & hooks-type, size, length. Back in Dayton, I thought I needed an E-hook. I had searched everywhere, and couldn’t find one. So I go ahead and by one while at Hancock Fabrics, get back to Cleveland, and guess what I found-my E hook. Ha!

Completed in 2010:

I did work on my multi socks and my crocheted Dalek, as well as a poncho I had started a while back, but I didn’t finish any of them. I did however, finish three projects I had started in 2010:

-my weekend scarf: I’m only calling it my weekend scarf because I completed it in one weekend. LOL.

-Relay for Life Headbands: Oooh, I don’t think I posted pictures for these. I made headbands for everyone on my Relay for Life team. Turns out they were a hit-even the guys wore them! ;) It also helped that it was a pretty chilly Relay. They helped keep folks warm! I’ll have to post some pictures.

-Steampunk Spatterdashes: as a part of a Halloween costume! Not only did I use yarn from my stash, but I managed to whip these up pretty quickly in time for Halloween. I’ll be using them again for Marcon this year.

-Rainbow Wrap: I started this back in September. It’s not finished yet, but the pattern isn’t too difficult, so I should be able to finish it. This yarn had also been sitting in my stash for quite a while.

Well, that’s about it. I started my first new project for 2011: Ribbed Earflap Hat! I’m using Lion Brand Thick & Quick, so it should knit up fairly quickly. I was looking at some online posts, and it sounds like I might have quite a bit of yarn left over. I’m hoping I’ll have enough for a scarf. :) WIP pics soon!

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