First, I still need to order more yarn for my slouching socks-I'm just really lazy and have other things to work on, so I haven't gotten around to it yet. Here are my socks as they are at this point:
I didn't do as much knitting as I would have liked while I was on vacation. I did make sure I had some time to have my mom show me how to use dpns. The bamboo ones I had weren't working out so well, so my mom gave me a spare set of size 3 alluminum dpns that she had. Actually, one evening we raided all her knitting/crocheting supplies-I have several crochet hooks of various sizes, some stitch holders, a cable needle, and several sets of dpns of various sizes. We also went through her yarn-I have some really pretty acrylic yarn, and some left over wool from a project or two. I even have some 100% virgin wool that was used for argyle socks! The pattern the yarn came with is quite old-as is the yarn! I have a one oz skein of gray Power's yarn (distributed by Powers Dry Good Co in Minneapolis, MN-do they still exist?)and 2 skeins of Bear Brand yarn-one oz each, one pink, the other a blueish-gray, and a very, very tiny ball of light green yarn. I'm not sure if I have enough of this yarn to make the argyle socks in the pattern, but maybe one day, if I'm feeling adventurous enough, I'll give it a try and try to make at least one argyle sock. ;)
I haven't been knitting as much since I got back from vacation-I've either been too busy, or it's been too hot to knit. (I finally put my A/C in (well, Jerm did it for me) yesterday, plus it's finally cooled down a little bit-go figure!) I have been working on somethings here and there. The problem is I want to start on several more projects! Ah, what to do, what to do. ;) I better get a move on-some of the things I have in mind need to be done by December! LOL ;)
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