Monday, August 08, 2005

need more time to knit!

I haven't been making much progress lately-summer is just a lazy season-too lazy to be knitting. ;)

Well, actually, I'm almost finished with the scarf for the hat and scarf set, and my multi effects, well, the first sock, is coming along-slowly, but coming along. I've discovered the farther along you get, the easier knitting with 5 needles becomes. ;)

I discovered that there is a Stitch-n-Bitch gathering near me-around the Cedar/Lee area. Unfortunately it's the same night as taco night. Perhaps I should get together with some of my friends around town and have our own gathering (on a non-taco night, of course! LOL)

Christmas is coming (well, not for a while yet) but with the rate I've been going with my knitting, I need to start on those projects soon. I've been considering putting aside all projects that are not intended for people and just concentrating on the gifts. Of course that means starting a couple of new projects before finishing anymore! LOL, I'm gathering quite a collection of UFOs. ;)

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